Make Ethereum Great Again: How ETH Could Go Mainstream in 2024
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Make Ethereum Great Again: How ETH Could Go Mainstream in 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - In July of 2024 the apple was alien to Ethereum and the altcoin bazaar hasntbeen the aforementioned back So whats has the worldssecond best accepted cryptocurrency been up to lately

There was a time, let’s alarm that time, “2024,” back the Bitcoin ecosystem wondered aloud “When is there activity to be an altcoin account a damn?” Funny that we asked that because, in July of 2024, and clearly launched in July of 2024, the apple was alien to Ethereum by wunderkind Vitalik Buterin, and the altcoin bazaar has never been the aforementioned since. Time for an Ethereum advance report.


In Ethereum’s abrupt history, anytime back its initial, acknowledged and avant-garde crowd-funding campaign, Ethereum has been a axis of activity, never abbreviate on drama. Its Ether (ETH) agenda currency, partially acknowledgment to the broader accepting of Bitcoin’s agenda currency, accomplished $1 USD in amount far faster than Bitcoin anytime did, extensive the anniversary in about six months (Bitcoin took the bigger allotment of three years.)

By the alpha of the summer, aftermost year, Ethereum had calmly anesthetized $1 billion in bazaar assets and its bill was admired at about $20 USD, at its peak. Aftermost summer, things were activity so able-bodied for adolescent Ethereum, the academician assurance launched their best aggressive activity to date, the ill-fated DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

This adventure brought in so abounding investors, but bootless so miserably in its beheading and aegis that the altcoin hard-forked, bankrupt into two parts, acutely permanently, and has gone through added forks to cope with the aftermath. The greater Bitcoin association had left adolescent Ethereum for dead.

Ethereum Classic

So the additional bisected of 2016 was a abundant allotment of apprehensive pie for adolescent Ethereum, as its amount alone to a still absorbing $7.99 by year’s end. Even afterwards actuality actually burst into two (Ethereum Classic still exists, trading for about $1.25, according to Coinmarketcap,) that is over 700% in acknowledgment in its aboriginal abounding year, far beyond the 126.2% acknowledgment Bitcoin brought aback during the aforementioned period.

They additionally had one authority agenda that had yet to be played in Q1 2017. Microsoft had helped Ethereum get noticed by the mainstream, aback in December of 2015, through the integration with their Azure platform for blockchain technology, which was based primarily on Ethereum’s adaptation of blockchain technology.

Many see this as a antecedent to Ethereum accepting such a brief acceleration in aboriginal 2024. It looks like Microsoft is accessible to accomplish deja vu all over afresh in the weeks to come.

Bloomberg letters that Microsoft and Ethereum accept addition agreement, and a above advertisement of a new belvedere appliance that will afresh affection Ethereum’s adaptation of blockchain technology is forthcoming. Microsoft, able tech companies, and above cyberbanking interests are basic what is actuality alleged the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, and this could be a accurate moonshot for Ethereum’s boilerplate acceptance and bazaar value.

Bitcoinist_Microsoft Logo

The capacity and sources are hush-hush, which indicates how big this could be, and is accepted to be appear afore the end of the month. It’s “smart contract” foundation in creating faster, added defended affairs than is currently acclimated is apparent as the capital catalyst for its adeptness to actualize a boilerplate accumulated alliance.

Apparently, some bodies apperceive what’s about to happen, as Ethereum ethics accept soared over 60% aloof back the aboriginal of the year, as ETH has gone from beneath $8 to abutting $13, as of this writing. Something tells me that’s aloof the alpha of an alike greater acceptable band for Ethereum.

I did break at a Holiday Inn Express aftermost night! Therefore, maybe throwing some BTC in on ETH in the abbreviate appellation should be looked into? Sometime around……hmmm…..I don’t know……right now?


Kudos to all who developed Ethereum and backward the course. In what is axis out to be an ballsy improvement story, those who kept the acceptance backward aftermost year in Ethereum assume assertive to be amply adored with their ROI on shares of the world’s greatest altcoin, Etheruem. The altcoin ante has aloof been upped.

Gonna be difficult to exhausted a boilerplate business and abstruse accord with Microsoft as its bedrock, don’t you think?

Will Ethereum accomplish a improvement this year? Share your predictions below! 

Images address of Shutterstock, Miscrosoft, Coinmarketcap, Ethereum.or, Fortune